well, lookit that - it's there - twice. in IE right now. gotta switch back -. . .well, it's saved twice in draft form. let's see if i can publish from here.
(this from the 28th - when blogger.com was not lettin' me publish. or maybe it's my browser, in some inexplicable way. The 'button' "publish" connects to "Javascript:void(0)" ie., it goes nowhere and I get a "invalid character" message. Well, the hover over shows the same, now. I started up blogger.com w/IE tab in Firefox. (FF and IE tab having both worked here just fine in the past.) I suppose I'll have to try native IE. My frelling links work. but theirs don't go figure
Pakistan is on the verge of being a failed state, and it has 50 nuclear weapons. The Pashtun region, encompassing Afghanistan and Pakistan. Completely The U. S. govt. is threatening to go across the boarder into Pakistan. This, of course, is totally illegal, world-law wise. But we did. 50 nuclear weapons. Frontline has me overflowing with post-atomic world visions. That part of the world virtually glows with potential death and destruction - as I see it flashing before my eyes in clouds of light and energy. It only remains to be seen how far the glow will spread, and how far the destruction will go toward total disintegration of society.
Pakistan is on the verge of being a failed state, and it has 50 nuclear weapons. The Pashtun region, encompassing Afghanistan and Pakistan. Completely The U. S. govt. is threatening to go across the boarder into Pakistan. This, of course, is totally illegal, world-law wise. But we did. 50 nuclear weapons. Frontline has me overflowing with post-atomic world visions. That part of the world virtually glows with potential death and destruction - as I see it flashing before my eyes in clouds of light and energy. It only remains to be seen how far the glow will spread, and how far the destruction will go toward total disintegration of society.
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