Thursday, November 06, 2008

The foriegn press, oh my!

( look up contributors list )
this prompted by a long piece on Russia Today the "mood in America" by showing some right wing radio host ( a solidly believable group NOT)about all the Obama contributors from off shore accounts. Reminds me that's exactly what my sister said. This guy was positively rabid! Is it some mineral in the soil causing otherwise intelligent humans to believe any of that crap? When it's so easily disproved with a bit of reading effort. Russia Today "poll 40% think Obama's term will end with a graceful bow before a period of US decline. 29% say change possible, whether for better or worse (these people really like decisions) 20% think it will produce a humble America (more hysterical laughter), first among equals. 11% think it will show greater tolerance and hope for minorities.

One must read or watch the foreign press. Reality knocking.

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