Thursday, November 06, 2008

The foriegn press, oh my!

( look up contributors list )
this prompted by a long piece on Russia Today the "mood in America" by showing some right wing radio host ( a solidly believable group NOT)about all the Obama contributors from off shore accounts. Reminds me that's exactly what my sister said. This guy was positively rabid! Is it some mineral in the soil causing otherwise intelligent humans to believe any of that crap? When it's so easily disproved with a bit of reading effort. Russia Today "poll 40% think Obama's term will end with a graceful bow before a period of US decline. 29% say change possible, whether for better or worse (these people really like decisions) 20% think it will produce a humble America (more hysterical laughter), first among equals. 11% think it will show greater tolerance and hope for minorities.

One must read or watch the foreign press. Reality knocking.

The Oprah factor

An economics pre-doc proved that Oprah's support got Barack over 1 million votes - in the primaries - leading to his place. . . in place to change history. Everything happens for a reason. Hmmm, one wonders how Hilary feels about that.

Change has come. Little black boys - and girls - can now know that anything is possible. The rest of the world is pretty happy, too. But here, we have collective guilt, responsibility, for living in, yes, the greatest country on this Earth, that was founded on genocide, inquisition and slavery. And maybe we have made an evolutionary step forward. Maybe the aliens will land now. ha ha ha ha.

I had a flash earlier about Black folks having a Sally Fields moment, where they can actually put away the pervasive feelings that no matter what, white folks will always put them down. That would certainly be a transformative paradigm shift. And there is really no other country in the world that could understand that, because there is no history anywhere else to have created our personal racial issues.

My sister - oh my goddess, an otherwise intelligent woman, today was telling me "you know, he's NOT African American, he's half African and half American, and 1/4 of his background is Muslim, and they were not the slaves, they were the slave takers." Oh. My. God. And then I asked, " so how does this pertain to him, now?" "Well, we'll see." And more from the right wing hate spewers - it was there, just waiting to pop out. Well, that didn't sound very hateful. Maybe I'm just projecting. She finished it off by saying 'well we won't have that argument right now.'

The "ultimate" color line has been crossed? Brown babies. smile

"Without contention, without having to march in the streets to get our votes counted." Gloria Steinem on Oprah (the late rerun)( cuz you know, 16:00 is for the dog park)

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

still tryin to publish this from the 28th

well, lookit that - it's there - twice. in IE right now. gotta switch back -. . .well, it's saved twice in draft form. let's see if i can publish from here.

(this from the 28th - when was not lettin' me publish. or maybe it's my browser, in some inexplicable way. The 'button' "publish" connects to "Javascript:void(0)" ie., it goes nowhere and I get a "invalid character" message. Well, the hover over shows the same, now. I started up w/IE tab in Firefox. (FF and IE tab having both worked here just fine in the past.) I suppose I'll have to try native IE. My frelling links work. but theirs don't go figure

Pakistan is on the verge of being a failed state, and it has 50 nuclear weapons. The Pashtun region, encompassing Afghanistan and Pakistan. Completely The U. S. govt. is threatening to go across the boarder into Pakistan. This, of course, is totally illegal, world-law wise. But we did. 50 nuclear weapons. Frontline has me overflowing with post-atomic world visions. That part of the world virtually glows with potential death and destruction - as I see it flashing before my eyes in clouds of light and energy. It only remains to be seen how far the glow will spread, and how far the destruction will go toward total disintegration of society.

August 4th, 1961

Barack Obama was born two days after my 19th birthday, so I could (have) be(en) his mother. Although that was several years before I decided that brown babies would be the salvation of our society. Big smile. Golly gee whiz. We've taken a step toward racial blindness. Forget equality - people are equal - as equal as the individual person can aspire to be. The Supreme Court! Ta Da! However, the three most likely justices to retire soon are already the liberal 3.

I'd wish to be more eloquent and profound here . . . I'd also wish that would let me publish my frelling posts without the damned javascript(void)0 error.