Sunday, April 15, 2007

Law of the Jungle again

What happens when technology overcomes (clumsiness, stupidity, lack of attention-don't remember) brought to you by Zurich. Shows three guys on a high scaffold on a billboard, when one of them steps back too far and falls to the ground, where his personal body air bag inflates and cushions his landing. My answer is always: too many stupid people live to pass on their stupid genes. (now I see I've blogged this one before - still irritates me!!!)

Moving on to another Law: just read a really scary psychiatric evaluation of GWB and how he may still plunge us into WWIII. By father and son shrinks, no less from a New Zealand online news and commentary site called "Scoop." The 'no less' comes from the focus of the article on GWB's inadequacy feelings vis a vis his father. It leads me to think george may well be the first US President to commit suicide.

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