Saturday, April 28, 2007


"There are moments when the injustice of having to leave your country, simply because an imbecile got it into his head to invade it, is overwhelming."
All the stomach acid I've generated over the months worrying about this girl! She vanishes from the blog for long periods, from time to time. I restrain myself from querying the Family in Bagdhad folks, cuz I know they're fielding questions. But she always turns up, as J #4 said. Or maybe it was J#3? It's occurred to me that her Publisher, for pete's sake, shoulda coulda musta tried to get her out. Having been a faithful reader of her "Bagdhad Burning" blog for 3 or more years, I did buy her book, but gave it as a gift.

To say the least. The collective guilt I feel a part of - my wonderful country did this to other human beings. Faiza posted a UTube link showing her "Beautiful Bagdhad" being desecrated.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

More on law of the jungle

New Jersey governor moved from intensive care

New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine was injured April 12 in a crash on the Garden State Parkway.

New York (CNN) -- New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine is no longer in critical condition .

His left thigh bone was broken in two places, with the femur bone popping through the skin, and he had several broken ribs, a broken sternum, a broken collarbone, a slightly fractured lower vertebrae and a deep cut in his face.

He was sitting in the front passenger seat of an SUV being driven by a state trooper and was not wearing a seat belt, a violation of New Jersey traffic laws. {emphasis mine}

The vehicle was traveling about 90 mph

Well, he probably has already reproduced. Too bad. This is surely a herd culling event.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Law of the Jungle again

What happens when technology overcomes (clumsiness, stupidity, lack of attention-don't remember) brought to you by Zurich. Shows three guys on a high scaffold on a billboard, when one of them steps back too far and falls to the ground, where his personal body air bag inflates and cushions his landing. My answer is always: too many stupid people live to pass on their stupid genes. (now I see I've blogged this one before - still irritates me!!!)

Moving on to another Law: just read a really scary psychiatric evaluation of GWB and how he may still plunge us into WWIII. By father and son shrinks, no less from a New Zealand online news and commentary site called "Scoop." The 'no less' comes from the focus of the article on GWB's inadequacy feelings vis a vis his father. It leads me to think george may well be the first US President to commit suicide.