Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Trouble right here in River City

I suppose I'll have to go to the durned Taxi Commission meeting tomorrow night. Big Trouble in little SF TC recently. The Commission fired the "Executive Director," Heidi M. Reasons: she was carrying out her own agenda, completely apart from what the Commission had in mind, her so-call "employer." She went on a vendetta after Jim Gillespie, GM at YC these days, but mgr at Lux before that. In the works, per Commission vote & recommendation, is/was (it's passed now) a Board of Sups resolution granting cab company managers an exemption from the bloody driving requirement. JG has never tried to hide his non-driving status (like many many others who never drove, aren't driving, will never drive - there's Richie's ex-wife, a trauma nurse at UCSF Med, a sheriff in Marin Co., etc), and the measure had been hammered out at the TC over many weeks. JG felt he was having communication difficulties with Heidi, and as GM of YC representing 2/3 of the cabs in town, he requested and received an audience with hiz honor, GN. The day after that, Heidi sent her personal team of auditors to pull all of JG's waybills, (none, cuz he wasn't forging them like the above mentioned.) and brought him up for revocation for not fulfilling the DR. Then there's the matter of her bosom buddy, (isn't this a name for a '70's (1870's!) melodrama? ) Tristan Bettancourt, who she hired as her assistant at the TC (was her roomie for 10 years, also hired by her as assistant in her *last* Civil Service job (water dept., IIRC) TB is a former YC driver. Convicted in 1987 for robbing his taxi passengers' homes after he'd dropped them off at SFO or the theatre. During the late '90s he did internet scams - lots of news about that on line! Now he has access to all our personal info. Presumably he'll only try to scam out the upper income ones among us, leaving me out heh heh heh. Every bleedin' media rag in this town took the story from the Heidi perspective: "The company's wanted me fired, because I was enforcing the rules." Hmmmm. As I recall, Mary McGuire (a Commissioner fired for her vote against Heidi)had been raising the subjects of company financial reports and waybill audits being lacking, overdue or non-existent - from approximately the 2nd meeting of the TC 7 years ago. It's all on tape somewhere. Channel 7 Eye Team -Dan Noyes- did a bit on it tonight, I learned on the TaxiL. Lots about TB, including interviews w/vics. The cameras will be at the meeting tomorrow - might even be pictures at 11 - but 'twould be surprising if the meeting concluded the "rehiring" (agenda Item) of Heidi, (or NOT) by 23:00

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