Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Beam Me Up

I find it beyond incredulous that NASA cannot develop or find a foam product that will not crack with minor temperature variations. {{ok I get it - much more than 'minor' temp differences what with the liquid nitrogen/oxigen.}} How can this be? Was it contracted out to one of Cheneys co-conspirators? The miniscule variations on the planet shrink in comparison to the difference between here and Space. I keep shaking my head and trying to form a different question here, but it is what it is. A piece of insulation with 30 years of research behind it's composition and deployment, which curiously enough, never failed in 10 or so years of flying that bird - till over Texas, Feb. 1 of 20??. What's really going on here?

I'm tired, and leaning toward conspiracy theories tonight. Gavin Newsome trots out Gay Marriage just in time to bring all the right wing nuts out of their states of denial to vote the Shrub back in, (or rather 'in' for the first time legally)(that's a whole 'nother conspiracy). Of course, Rove kick started anti-gay marriage initiatives in several states - 4 or 5 IIRC. Plan for The New American Century. They're serious, folks. Read it and weep - or get active!

I gotta go off and find the Analog Boards- someone there may have a perfectly sane explanation of that :?)

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