Friday, September 23, 2005

The Mother is Speaking

A burned out bus full of aged, ill, evacuees from somewhere in Texas, ahead of Hurricane Rita, -fire then explosions -they carried oxygen - 14 people escaped; 30 or so died. If this series of storms is not a culling of the herd, I've never seen one. Those people were *supposed* to die. N.O. is flooding again, already. Two nursing homes full of people died in N.O. well, one - only 1/2 of the other one. I AM a population nazi, sorry.
Gas is $3+ a gallon and due to rise sharply right after Rita whacks the Texas refineries. 18 of 26 in Gulf area already closed.
Bush finally said a true thing: "We cannot imagine our Country without New Orleans." or words to that effect.
If you were to review all the imperialism and worldwide manupilation of other governments, and misc. other atrocities, you would have to say the U.S. is way overdue to pay some massive kharma debts.

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