Friday, September 02, 2005

Godess is trying to tell me something

Goddess is trying to tell me something
Red Cross may not need my tiny lil' $10. Of course, they need about 10 million $10.
First I try to click through Resulting page accepts minimum of $25. For 'different' amounts gotta call an 800 number. So I figure PayPal will probably have a link, and that would be easy. PayPal seems to have forgotten me. I go through the rigmarole of security questions, I get to 'send' and the cable connection takes a peak time dive. I now appear to be on line - not a problem getting Here. PayPal 'submit' gives me the same error message about not being able to access. I clear my cache - twice- same 'you can't get there from here' message. Expending my angst here heh heh

Complete social chaos rules in New Orleans. Nwarlins. Same story as yesterday. CNN has been broadcasting live as things get worse. Officials say 'we had no idea these people were here, or ' no one told us, snivel' about Convention Center, Super dome etc., when all they needed to do was watch CNN. This is frelling insane that 5 days have passed and nothing has happened for about half a million people. Official : "We're going to get there." yeh a Federal Public Health Emergency. I hear France and Germany were the first to offer aid. "Old Europe" heh heh heh. Don't recall seeing anything at all about world aid offers. Maybe cuz they're so embarrassingly few? The Mother is trying so hard to wake people up to the overburdening of Her capacities.
What does it say about the mental condition in Iraq that a thousand people killed themselves/each other in a stampede during a pilgrimage. In fact, this is a recurring theme in such crowds. Does no one take a message from that? Fanaticism kills?

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