Tuesday, March 01, 2005

No credit!!

Nightline is doing a piece tonight w/lead in of : 'how much credit should P. Bush take?' (for rumbles of unheard of democratic bits and pieces starting across the Middle East (aka the oil zone) ) I think I answered that yesterday. None! Let's see what the talking heads decide.

This is turning out to be more about Lebanon specifically. Many of the Iraqi blogs I read hold their election to be bogus, not 'theirs' at all. How, then can NL push the idea of that election influencing the Lebanese peoples' surge toward freedom from Syria. But these events are happening. Or else the media is presenting an acted and cast drama, and not real people. This guy is not buying it. US could have promoted freedom w/o unilateral waged war; 100,000 Iraqi dead, 1500 U.S. dead; the total trashing of the Iraqi infrastructure and municipal government. NOt to mention irreplaceable antiquities.

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