Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Demonstrations in Lebanon against the Syrian occupation and domination - with Women! without veils - go Lebanon!
Mubarak says Egypt should change the constitution to allow multi party elections. Oh My. Local elections all over Saudi Arabia - no Women, of course. CNN Student News asks: Is Pres. Bush's idea coming true? This slow creep toward freedom is NOT not not any part of Bush's doing - it's happening IN SPITE of him - because of the Internet. Even with the greedy, pernicious leaders the world seems to be burdened with right now, people talking to people are going to trump anything a few stuffed shirts think they can continue to perpetrate on us.
My hero, the Internet, heh heh heh. And haven't I been telling that to everyone who would listen for about 10 years now? Well, a prophet gets no respect in her own time ;)

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