Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It's all fixed. . .part 200 or so

Daniel Ellsberg on "Democracy Now. Be sure to note the related headlines at the bottom.

I have to imagine that the MIC (military industrial complex - thanks Ike!) has Obama by the nuts in some kinda way, to cause him to ignore 5,000 years of history in Afghanistan - (sheesh, we're history blind over here). USSR-10 years, no cigar! umpteen invasions over umpteen centuries, nada. The PTB redrawing the map of the world in their image. "History is written by the winners." Imagine, given what we do know, what the real story would be. I hope I come back as an animal (maybe I should chose a non-endangered species) .

and here's a bit more on that subject from the NY Times

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