just what the world needs. NightLine just did a story on South Africa where the latest fad is smoking Anti Retro Virals. It appears to be a stupifying, violence inducing high. ARVs are plentiful (and cheap thanks to a US group sponsoring them) due to SA having the highest HIV rate in Africa. As a little kicker, the ARVs have no prophylactic effect when smoked, but they do introduce enough of the ARV to the person to produce a resistance to ARV drugs when introduced to treat HIV.
I see the planet entering a long period of die off of all species, all the way up to the top of the food chain. So, the next generation of HIV persons will not have any extended period of life -perhaps to not infect others? And of course, to create ARV resistant HIV strains. Every single other STD has rigorous reporting and notifications required. Which shows you how powerful the gay lobby was in the 80's when the plague first manifested at large. I know that is not politically correct, but truth is truth. I am the most gay LGBT person on the planet, claiming a couple of those initials myself, but let's be real folks. I believe the Mother has no intention of letting Herself be sucked lifeless by the parasites upon her.
She relentlessly kills off entire populations with flood, fire, wind, pestilence. Maybe She even effects the mental state of our leaders who start lethal/illegal conflicts. Certainly the brains of the young, disaffected males who shoot up groups of their peers on a regular basis.
Which could bring me back to fretting over Pakistan, a severely dysfunctional state, with nuclear capabilities and one of the most sexually repressed religions on the planet. Combined with the other Muslim states, the potential for "Let's Play Global Thermonuclear War" All that excess testosterone. Oh my.
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