Not enough tasks; must multi more. Olympic swimming (now) on TV, (was just men's basketball (Greece vs. Spain) (don't see how that game cd be over but. . .) . . . women's soccer (Sweden vs. Argentina - and boy, are those Swedish girls big! compared to the Argentinians, who all appear to be Indias. Lawd knows, there are plenty blonde and blue Argentinians, descended from the Nazi in flux after WWII) streaming in another window on the computer. I always expect the women from Brazil and Argentina to be awesome, like their male counterparts. We'll see. Poor babies, they're just small. That could prove to be an advantage. oop - back to bb they have 1/2 time! at Olympics, just like in rl, Marian.
Once again, I am NOT working the late shift at YC cuz I need a frelling puppy sitter. My spoiled rotten puppy! She is the cutest, smartest puppy on the planet, of course. But she can't be trusted alone all night. Right now, the major problem is the family of skunks living in the back yard. I think there are at least two babies - getting bigger all the time. One almost completely black, with white blaze on face and white tail tip. Mommy has a white strip on her back. Junior hasn't got his spray on yet, but last night he charged the dog as she circled him barking her brains out. No spray, tho - I suppose there must be some time during puberty when they start charging rear end first, but this guy wasn't yet. That is certainly one of the funniest (but only in retrospect) visuals in animal behavior: the cute little furry thing running backwards toward you lickety split.
So anyway, silly puppy has been sprayed 3 three! times. The first was a face full, after which she tried to rub her face off on the living room rug. I managed to get her into the shower before she got to my bed! The next 2 01:20 showers (!) were less of a full spray, but enough - all accompanied by heavy barking, of course.
But, since the skunks are nocturnal, I can safely work a short shift and be home by dark! Here's hoping the little critters move out before the days get shorter. I really need to follow my sister's advice and call some pest control outfits and ask questions.
Spain is way ahead. No score in the soccer game yet. I suspect this is a replay. I cd probably look up the final score somewhere. I don't get "The Soccer Channel"(??) which seems to be the only place you can watch it on TV, unless you wanna watch /tape 8 hrs at a time of NBC and clones coverage, and hope what you want shows up eventually - they're not telling ahead of time, not on the TV guide on the Dish, not on nbc's online schedule info. I guess that's how they guarantee the sponsors eyes thruout.
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