Friday, September 07, 2007

Last Will and Testamemt

I've started this thing a coupla times - this week of repeated a-fib propels me to write a quick one.
I leave everything I possess to my oldest son Joseph M. Zaouk. After he takes what he wants (he claims he wants very little of mine, ie., it's all worthless (pity me poor me) but, Whatever. After he picks up those three ha ha ha things, ** Andrew Bennett, his father Walter Bennett, his wife Leah Bennett; Carmen Jean Silva, Marcy Pineda and her children Crystal De Nova, John De Nova and Zoe Angeles, in that order, should get whatever they want, and then someone, for Pete's sake should have a garage sale or use E-Bay. ** My sister, Linda Oliver McCoy of Alva, Florida, should she chose to transport anything, or even FLY out here (little dig there Sis) would be # 2 in line. My youngest son Rached A. Zaouk, if he choses to make an appearance, will receive his portion of the US Savings bonds (8 or 9 of them in $50.00 denominations) which I have already endorsed over to Joseph M. and Rached A. Zaouk. Omar Zaouk, younger brother of Joseph and Rached Zaouk, may also be interested in salvaging some item or another.
My good friend, Karen Higa, of San Francisco, has promised to take care of my cats should I die. You didn't think I'd forget that did you Karen?

I think that just about covers it.

About my week: yeah. Called in my rx refills to
General Hosp. last Friday night ("if you request a refill when you have more than 2 days of medication remaining, the prescription will not be filled and you will not be notified" Gen. Hosp Pharmacy) I had 2 days left of 4 meds which had been prescribed to KEEP ME ALIVE. I figured I would take the last dose on Saturday, pick up the scripts on Monday, and only miss one day. Whoops, I failed to take into consideration the Monday holiday, in my count. Well, hell, two days shouldn't kill me, should it? I was headed to Gen. Hosp. to pick them up when I needed to call an ambulance with BP of 200/160 HR 122. It was 130 when the Red Truck got there; and back to 121 at St Luke's triage desk, and normal by the time I got on a table. However - 1/2 hour later, I was tripping along at 155 beats per minute, way into a-fib. ( Meanwhile, Marcy has taken a bus to Gen Hosp to p/u the meds: But NOOOOO. my payment status had changed from co-pay to Medi-Cal then to Medicare, so I was no longer eligible for some strange reason, so no, you can't have these meds we told you to take to stay alive. ) St. Luke's admits me, and they all marvel at how I got there - GH not giving me my meds. Sheesh, I sound like someone on Judge Maxine (or something.) I spend the night, and another day; my third blood test comes back negative for the heart attack enzyme; my HR and BP have been normal for 20 hours, so they send me home. With all the prescriptions I need, and having fed me the appropriate meds during my stay. Thursday, I'm just about to go to Walgreen s (St. Luke's Social Worker: "No problem, just take them to Walgreen s, they will help you sign up for Medi-care Part D, and give you your Rx." Well, nooooo, again, but it was Marcy who ended up going for me) Meanwhile, I'm ticking along at 122 or so beats per minute, going on 4 hours, now. I call Walter, he takes me back to the hospital. As soon as I lie down, HR returns - gradually- to normal. Another Social Worker tells me: "No problem, just go to Social Security Office at 22nd and Valencia, tell them you need to apply and you need a letter saying your are eligible, just not quite covered." Well, noooooo again. A really nice lady at SS goes above and beyond - calls Walgreens, calls Medi-Cal even!! I end up at Walgreens talking to the nice lady who'd helped Marcy at great length the day before. I put over $200 worth of just the 4 I need desperately on the credit card I swore not to increase balance on. WTF is a dangling proposition, anyway? My mood is all bad.

USGS says Polar Bears will disappear within "our" lifetimes - 40 years. I can live with that! laughing hysterically.


Anonymous said...

You don't know what hope is, what are you smokin. Simple mind, chash and get it over with. The end is never the end. Try rolling without the drugs. The ones that feed negativity. What you believe will shurly come to pass. Judgement can be lost and found. step up.

M Zaouk SF said...

who the hell are you? you think i should stop taking the heart medications that keep me alive? call me back when YOU are 67 and have a heart condition.
mz in sf