Friday, May 18, 2007

fox-in-the-henhouse statuette

"Across six years, the Bush administration has mocked all standards of conflict of interest by choosing private industry zealots for high regulatory posts — where they worked to roll back hundreds of rules on transportation, workplace and mine safety, the environment and other issues. The latest in this subversive chain must surely take the fox-in-the-henhouse statuette: President Bush has nominated Michael Baroody, lobbyist for the powerful National Association of Manufacturers, to lead the Consumer Product Safety Commission."

The article goes on to point out how very, very, many industry insiders are regulating their own industry.

I just started reading a Sci Fi (not so much!!) story about some poor scientist (35 or so years down the road - Pres. Jenna, VP Barbara, former Pres. Jeb) trying to convince them all that a new method of extracting energy from the vacuum will precipitate a galaxy wide explosion. But there are no real scientists left in govt, of course, because the real ones wouldn't lie for the govt. He finally convinces them he's telling th truth when he explains that the Tau Ceti intelligence warning us had taken 5 years of bureaucratic snarffle before they decided to risk contact with us.

The 'most trusted man in America' Walter Cronkite, being profiled on CBS right now. My first speaking part! 4th grade: the boy picked to play WC on the Columbus Day "You Are There" play in my class called in sick. I guess he must have called in the day before, because I remember I was wearing a nice little 'girl' suit my Mommy had made. I was the only one in class who could read well enough to read it cold. I was a little ham.

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