Monday, December 11, 2006

An inconvenient Truth

Just watched a rerun Oprah featuring Al Gore and a full hour of dire global warming warnings. Dire, meaning dire - not to denigrate the seriousness of the state of the climate. I was watching it on purpose, preaching to the choir, and all that, so I was free to pick it apart heh heh. About half way in I began to wonder what the drop out rate was going to be. Near that point, there came a recorded message from Leonardo Di Caprio to keep the girls looking, but it was quite serious, too, and maybe it kept a few feather heads tuned in. There was some information on how each individual could do just some small things, most of which save you money, to reduce CO2. If half the audience finished it, I'd like to think they'd tell their friends who'd quit watching. Pipe dreams, maybe. Oprah changes the world - again- smile.

I began to see that the 2000 election 'debacle' as I like to call it, may have been a blessing in disguise, leaving Gore free to focus on what probably IS the biggest threat to Mankind, with a capitol M.

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