Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Ground Zero 9-11-01

5 years later, it seems to be making news that the folks -first responders, other volunteers- are sick from the toxic air they breathed for 2 to 3 weeks. Of course they're sick. At that time, the Feds and their honchos were announcing that "No, there isn't any danger - the air is perfectly fine." And 'they' the mass media, unwashed masses, believed it?? Oh. My. I said at the time- "My Goddess, you can SEE the air; they are breathing the 'weaponized,' if you will, residual atoms of multiple heavy metals, silica, human beings, firpete'sake. How could any reasonably intelligent, semi-educated, thinking person believe that was safe? Key word being 'thinking,' apparently.


"There should no longer be any doubt about the health effects of the World Trade Center disaster. Our patients are sick, and they will need ongoing care for the rest of their lives."
- DR. ROBIN HERBERT of Mount Sinai's World Trade Center Worker and Volunteer
Medical Screening Program.

And I ask again - what sort of brain-dead folks were questioning this in the first place??

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