Sunday, May 21, 2006

law of the jungle

"What happens when technology meets accidents?" {scene of guy stepping back too far on a scaffolding, falling three stories or so, and massive numbers of medium sized air bags sprouting from his heretofore unseen harness.} Want to know what Really happens? We begin to breed stupid people. Better these types are dealt with before contributing to the gene pool. Oh yeah, I AM a population nazi. I admit freely I believe in natural selection - if I were Goddess, I would arrange for mass die offs on a regular basis. Oh wait, She is! Bigger better tsunami, hurricanes, earthquakes, and we seem to be getting closer every day to the 'pestilence' aspect of the End of Days. Humans do, indeed, need to rearrange their paradigm of 'how things work to make me richer and move on to how we can help one another

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