A quote from some general or other denying anti-human use of white phosphorus:
"go into Fallujah. We were trying to ensure we had perfect targeting so that we could limit the damage. There was the ability to surround the city to allow no one to escape that was considered hostile" An awful lot of really telling pictures of the white phophorus victims. Not to mention comments from a grunt on the ground that the stuff was ignited in the air when used for lighting, but this group was firing directly at the population. I logged on to rage at some insanity just reported on CNN. There are just so many-heh heh senior moment. but it will be on again, if I stay awake that long.
Yesterday they reported that US had captured a bunch of "insurgents" in whatever Iraqi city they're pounding now - among them, the "deputy mayor, Two police captains, (a couple of other citizens in high places)" Gee, that certainly sounds a lot mmore like 'rebels against the occupation" to me.
World markets are all down - as is oil, amazingly. I've got to dump those mostly worthless stocks I spent 6K on in 2000 sigh. I'll be lucky if I get $1K, with fees.
Musharaf barely had his "we don't have terrorist attacks" out of his mouth (one day?) before a - guess what -terrorist bomb of some sort blew up 20 or 30 people in Karachi.
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