Friday, April 08, 2005


They finally put him in the box -(Cedar wood) he was starting to look pretty crispy. But, people are already "calling him a Saint" per CNN. I think that a miraculously preserved body is an indication of saint hood? He was, indeed, a formidible peace maker. I remain skeptical of an institution which can sanctify a Father Serra, mass murderer of California native peoples.

Charles and Camilla were supposed to be married today. I can picture Diana calling out to John Paul - "come home now! They deserve to be eclipsed, as 'they' eclipsed me in life.

More Crowned Heads, and Heads of State in one place at one time in--
"two Italian F-16's intercepting a jet approaching local air space" but Aaron Brown doesn't know about that. My exact fantasy, as I watched the funeral on TV at work: I'd sure like to see all those Italian fighters enforcing air space, circling around Rome.

moving on

yes, Heads - what an opportunity for a quick SCUD. Another dark fantasy.
play some Chopin for Il Papa on his way.

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