Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Constitution 101

" U.S. officials played down a report
on Monday that the administration might seek a United Nations
resolution empowering nations to intercept shipments in and out
of North Korea that may contain nuclear-related materials"

Now, if that's not enough to scare the bejeezus out of you. . .

and then there is:

"Marines From Iraq Sound Off About Want of Armor and Men
Marine leaders and infantrymen of a unit that sustained
heavy losses say a lack of armor and manpower hampered
their efforts."

It was more than 3 or 4 months ago Rumi stood red faced in Iraq and vowed every 'soldier' would be adequately armored asap (a 'sap' would believe him.)

Friday, April 08, 2005


They finally put him in the box -(Cedar wood) he was starting to look pretty crispy. But, people are already "calling him a Saint" per CNN. I think that a miraculously preserved body is an indication of saint hood? He was, indeed, a formidible peace maker. I remain skeptical of an institution which can sanctify a Father Serra, mass murderer of California native peoples.

Charles and Camilla were supposed to be married today. I can picture Diana calling out to John Paul - "come home now! They deserve to be eclipsed, as 'they' eclipsed me in life.

More Crowned Heads, and Heads of State in one place at one time in--
"two Italian F-16's intercepting a jet approaching local air space" but Aaron Brown doesn't know about that. My exact fantasy, as I watched the funeral on TV at work: I'd sure like to see all those Italian fighters enforcing air space, circling around Rome.

moving on

yes, Heads - what an opportunity for a quick SCUD. Another dark fantasy.
play some Chopin for Il Papa on his way.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Play some Chopin

for Il Papa, on his journey. No, I'm not a Catholic, altho I tried, once apon a time, going to Mass every day after work, at St Mary's Cathedral (now Old St. Mary's) two doors down California street from my work. The TV waves are full of John Paul II and his extraordinary life and work. He visited the Wailing Wall; he prayed with the Imams in a Mosque; he, unfortunately, couldn't allow women or gays to pray, formally, in his church. But now he knows - knows that all love is good love; all prayer is acceptable in God's eyes. All of us are one, no differences of race or gender or origin.