Monday, February 01, 2016

Walter Cronkite

"It was a day like all days, filled with those events that alter and illuminate our times; and you were there."
Kind of sums up his life and impact on all of us who grew up and old with him

Walter Cronkite died this week. CBS took the 60 Minutes slot for a memorial show, and not once did they use that line. They did give half a second to "You Were There" with no explication whatsoever.

My first speaking part - playing Walter for a Columbus Day thingy in 3rd grade. The 'boy' who'd been assigned the part got sick, and I was the best reader in class, so I got it.

Happy Birthday Raz!

February 1, 1965, I gave birth to Rached Ahmad Zaouk.  I haven't seen him since April 2004.  I google him regularly, he seems to be alive and well in Las Vegas, but I still miss him.  I'm sorry I won't be "controlled" to his satisfaction.  I'm sorry that's the criterion I'm to meet to see my son.  But thanks for contributing to my every password.  Big Smile.  I'm at work, so I'd better quit now, so I'm not sobbing when my boss gets here in 30 minutes. 

Maybe I should blog now and then. :)