Monday, August 08, 2011

S & P downgrade

Oh wait -  aren't those the very same people who rated  A++ all those toxic, bundled,  should never-have-had- a-mortgage- mortgage backed securities that  (nearly) BROUGHT DOWN OUR ECONOMY in the first frelling place ??  IAFAYCCI    (new acronym - "it's all fixed and you can't change it")

And just a side funny:  Wells Fargo paid some billion (BILLION) dollar settlement because of (Wacovia's) their falsely favorable rating of some toxic securities.   Paid to some Hedge fund people - also to blame in said economic break down-  who were foolish enough to believe them, even though they were doing the same frelling thing out the other side of their mouths - .  Not to any small guys on Main street, whose wealth (house values, 401k's, college funds) was REALLY  looted. 

Wednesday, August 03, 2011