Thursday, September 30, 2010

What's in a name?

The first time I saw the name of the North Korean pres/dictator's son:  "Kim Jong Un"  I was sure it was a joke - a bit of snark by whoever (don't remember) wrote the piece I was reading.   But NO! that's really his name.  How wonderful that reality imitates the Onion.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Well, this is bogus. Only about 50 chracters. bah <Marian>

Friday, September 10, 2010

(2/2) `contacts ~ one @ a time!! But won`t send Martina`s pic or JamesBrown I Feel Good!<Marian>
(1/2) Trying the new phone for a blog entry. Can`t seem to send any pics ~ the very 1st one! Or ring tones from the old phone to the new. Sent all my