Well, missing from my life. No doubt still present in his own reality. With a $10. subscription to some 'find them' service, I'd gotten a new address and phone number for my second son, who disowned me 4 years ago. Joe and I both had rather disturbing dreams about him a week or two ago, so Joe called the number - it turned out to be really Rached Zaouk! $10. well spent. Of course, he got hung up upon as soon as his brother recognized his voice, but we've confirmed his alive-ness, if not detail health info. I'm pretty sure Jonelle would call me (now that I think about it) if there was something wrong with him. Not too happy to join his father on his shit list, but. . . My latest google of his name turned up a couple of new things - two quotes from a CSUN publication, identifying him as a "Senior History major." Date was 2007, so I guess this means he has just graduated.
Watching a great PBS "Nature" show about the rain forest. Quote: We know only 5% of the creatures living here now.
The Sumatran tiger supports its own ecosystem - a species of bat that circles it catching the flies that surround the tiger.
Anyway - my brain is multi-tasking, and I'm thinking of Rached getting a job teaching. His first student teaching assignment (musta been more than 4 years ago, cuz he told me about it) was in a 5th grade class. "I want to transfer to a lower grade - those 5th graders are little assholes!" So now I'm mentally writing his opening speech to his first (and/or maybe subsequent) class. "When I was your age, I was a little asshole. I'll be sure to recognize my fellow a-holes, so stay tuned. I was the only white kid in class my first 3 years of school - I speak the language of the street. I indirectly started the band Guns n Roses. so - welcome to my jungle! ( and maybe more, with music? nooo laughing hysterically. I really really miss my kid.)