I have just called someone - Walter and Leah - and . . .wait for it. . . asked for help! 4th day of diverticulosus -puppy desperately needs some one (else) to play with - big boys would be her preference. I texted John (DeNova - Marcy's 15 yr. old) but he claims he's not in the City. I could also use some GatorAide - Leah's JOB is roving store rep for them!! - since I can't frelling eat anything solid for at least another day. So, Walter says he'll send Leah and Andrew this afternoon - he has to clean out their garage. Terrific news all around - especially from Martina's pov.
I have a puppy! has been my answer to every "how are you feeling" question since November. She makes me laugh 50 times a day - much better than meds!