Sunday, October 02, 2005

Gen. %$#@ Casey

Under pointed questioning by George Stephanopolus (?) he adheres firmly to the neocon party line on our "helping" the Iraqis and is
STILL using the words "war in Iraq" and "preventing another 9-11" in the same sentence. Makes me wanna puke.

Now interviewing Supreme Stephen Breyer. I'm kinda liking him.

My dear friend Ijaz Q. was picked up by the Feds and taken off to Marysville, where I presume is a Federal Prison. Guilty of being Muslim; and some minor immigration snafu. Student Visa means you can't work. I'd forgotten that one. The Pakistani Community came up with the 10 grand needed to bail him out, it seems. Raif Dentkas, Turkish guy, Long long time YC driver, had written to the Univ. on Ijaz's behalf to sponsor him for his last year of Doctorate studies. I called Tariq. He'd told me in a phone conversation on my way from the Symphony to work Thurs. nite,that I. would be out 'tomorrow or the next day.' When I got to work, there was a taped shut note for me from "Raheel" (or Raheef?) informing me that "driver I. will be bailed out tomorrow." One Hundred Thousand Dollars bail. My goodness, gracious ! You would think he had hurt someone or something.

So, I send Ijaz an email - forwarded, damn my eyes, of the exchange with Raed. On 9-25, Raed posted on his blog for the first time in weeks. And lo, he and Nikki are HEre In SF! I whip off an email, inviting them to lunch, and describing Ijaz, Mort, and Mariana, which friends I think would be very interested in meeting R & N and they, them. Forwarded to Mort and Ijaz, thinking I. would have M.'s email. Forwarded. Dear Sweet Jesus. I send Raed another email on Wed. telling about the I. arrest thing. It bounces back immediately.

Permanent Failure: Other address status
Delivery last attempted at Thu, 29 Sep 2005 16:37:17 -0000

<sort of immigration problem. I had forgotten the Student Visa catch
22: you cannot work with just a Student Visa. That way we only get
rich folks children, apparently. I don't recognized my country
any more. Marianna, who is out of the country, I just learned,
would certainly be raving mad and calling her contacts. Another
Pakistani friend, Tariq (the rest of his peers like to joke that he
is Musharif's brother-in-law), an older man -my age- 60 or so, is
"calling his people" as they say in Hollywood. I picture Ijaz on a
concrete floor, with ice water being poured over him twice a day.
This is Guantanamo style. Maybe that hasn't made its way to
California, yet. Much as I was imagining Khalid being tortured.

And yet this news story about a judge denying the gov't. request to
kill the lawsuit against Ashcroft, by two Muslim guys
detained somewhere for some lengthy time, not charged with anything,with no reason other than their religion. Altho, to be fair, the each had some minor little peccadillo crime on record.
Maybe there is some hope fo r us after all.
Thank you for listening. Sorry to be a pain. Usually I cry to Faiza
about these things, and she always sends me strength. Your Mother is
a Force of Nature, you know.
Marian Z.>>

Maybe I'll send one more 'test' email before I panic completely that I've caused some unknown harm to R. & N. Maybe it was just that he finally posted after so long, and got so much email his mail box exploded?? Yes, that has to be it.